Saturday, June 16, 2012

Green Terror Cichlid (Aequidens Rivulatus) Fish Profile

 My Female Green Terror Cichlid

The Green Terror (Aequidens rivulatus) is a tropical freshwater fish in the cichlid family. The fish originates from the Pacific side of South America in the coastal waters from the Tumbes River in Peru to the Esmeraldas River in Ecuador. The Green Terror can grow fairly large with male and females reaching lengths of 30 centimetres (12 in). Females are usually sexually mature at around 12 centimetres (4.7 in).

As the common name Green Terror implies, late-juvenile-phase and adult specimens can become very aggressive. This is not always the case and some individuals can be peaceful. Juvenile green terrors are often sold in pet shops and aquarium stores for the aquarium hobby. This species is often confused with the Blue Acara cichlid which is similar in appearance. A lot of fish sold as Green Terrors may actually be Blue Acaras or a hybrid between the two species.

My Green Terror in a tank with large Silver Dollars

Adult males develop a pronounced forehead hump which is composed of fatty tissue. Juveniles are tan colored with silvery-blue flecks and lack the iridescent blue, green, and orange coloration of adult specimens.
In the wild Green Terrors live in a tropical climate and prefer water with a 6.5–8.0 pH, a water hardness of 25.0 dGH, and a temperature range of 20–24 °C (68–75 °F).

The Green Terror will eat almost any fish that will fit in its mouth. 

 I lost a Giraffe Cichlid to my Green Terror

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